The Tire Challenge

My next challenge: practicing changing a tire on my car. While I have changed tires on cars before, I have never done it on Beck (yes, I named the Forester). After taking bunches of pictures to make sure I knew what it looked like before I removed all the spare tire kit pieces, I can definitively say that Subaru makes changing your own tire WAY easier than Ford does. 

The notches on the underside of the car were super obvious and there were two, making it simpler to be certain the jack was positioned correctly. All of the pieces had obvious uses and not needing to use an X shaped lugnut wrench to also crank up the jack was brilliant. Honestly, it was like riding a hand bike, and the length made the resistance situation much more manageable.

NASCAR sidelines are not in my future, but I am proud to say I got the equipment out (including reflector set-up for safety!), triple read all of the directions, jacked the car up, did a celebratory dance, put the car back down, reloaded the spare tire into the well, put the pieces back into place, reloaded the trunk, AND took measurements for the "build-out" all in less than 30 minutes.

Y'all, it's happening. I'm capable and doing this. I hope I never have to actually change my tire alone, but if it happens, I know I can. And that is what this whole thing is about.

Keep coming back!


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