Flashback: Days in Dayton

Piper made herself right at home and loved having little people to play with all day.

After just a single night of camping (read: Breaking Camp), I knew I had to make some big changes to my set-up in the car and my process for tearing things down and putting them away. Luckily, I had some framily in Dayton to help.

I first met Megan in (probably) 2003/2004. My family was living in Ocala at the time and she was hanging out in the kitchen one day when I got home from working at the movie theater. In-person, I would probably consider her more my brother's friend than mine. However, from attending family events, then living in the DC metro area together, and now watching her family from a distance on social media, it's easy to see how she fits into our greater family circle.

Originally, had all gone spectacularly to plan, I would have just connected for a lunch before plowing onward to Indiana Dunes National Park. However, when you are less than a week into an epic quest and kind of freaking out at all the things you don't know, you call people who care about you. Insert Megan.

Snuggles & screen time
You know you feel at home someplace when you just put your dog in the backyard upon arrival and knock on the slider. From there in it was a repite of joy and togetherness. Reconnecting with the adults and pups of the family was terrific, seconded only by meeting the two tiny humans. I'd been warned it was loud and chaotic; it was delightfully full of life.

We played, I got to watch Bluey for the first time, we cooked, Megan helped me rearrange the car so it was actually functional, she charged all of the electronics I hadn't even tried to tackle managing yet, and then we decorated for Christmas. It was exactly the tone reset button I needed for my soul - 

the whole point of the trip is to "be" not "do". Enjoy these precious moments!

When I finally had to leave, there were wholehearted promises to return soon. It's kind of crazy to imagine that for years I haven't really gone traveling, visited friends, or reconnected with hours of conversation and hugs. It was the first time, though not the last, that I was truly grateful that almost nothing went to plan.

Yoga in the kitchen.

Making shapes with pancakes (sneaking in the greens!)

Homemade pasta with braciole. Delicious and super fun.

Wishing to keep the kids for Christmas.

If you'd like a visit when I'm in your part of the country, just drop me a line. I'd love to keep the connection train going. We have our own lodgings and everything. :)

For more on what we've been doing lately, keep coming back.


  1. Andddddd I’m crying. Love you so much Heather! We are looking forward to seeing you again on your way back!


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